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Vivere all'italiana in musica: video concerts
Portal of the Italian language

Vivere all’italiana in musica: video concerts

Categories: Music and Performing Arts
'Vivere all'italiana in musica' offers 20 concerts of jazz, classic and contemporary music.
Vivere all'italiana in musica_1° selezione_TRE PER UNA
Vivere all’italiana in musica_1° selezione_TRE PER UNA

The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation dedicated this project to the music sector with the aim of supporting the relaunch of the cultural industry. The result is a rainbow of creativity testifying the great variety and quality of cultural productions in Italy.


Immagini d’Italia (Images of Italy)
Associazione Culturale Sentieri Selvaggi
Flute, alto flute and piccolo Paola Fre
Clarinet and bass clarinet Mirco Ghirardini
Vibraphone and percussion Marcello Repola
Piano Andrea Rebaudengo
Violin Piercarlo Sacco
Violin Daniele Richiedei
Viola Virginia Luca
Cello Camilla Patria
Soprano Giulia Peri
Conductor Carlo Boccadoro
Immagini d’Italia is a tribute to Italy in all its forms of art and genius, those for which it is loved and known throughout the world. In Scrivo in vento we find again the lyrics of Francesco Petrarca. In Ecco il segno for voice and ensemble, Filippo Del Corno quotes a Motet by Eugenio Montale. The Primo taccuino dell’ombra e della luce for ensemble by Carlo Boccadoro translates the observations on nature Leonardo Da Vinci wrote in his notebooks into music. The song Corpi eretici is a nine-song drama about the murder of Pier Paolo Pasolini. The album also has a world première of Tre canzoni civili for ensemble by Mauro Montalbetti.

Viva Verdi
Associazione Nuova Consonanza
Accordion Samuele Telari
First solo cellist Anna Armatys
Roma Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra
Concert master Marco Fiorini
First violins Stefano Zompi, Lorenzo Fabiani, Roberta Lioy, Anna Pugliese, Giona Mason, Giulio Casagrande
Second violins Anna Chulkina*, Mirei Yamada*, Elenoir Javanmardi, Anna Conti, Gloria Santarelli, Matteo Morbidelli
Violas Giovanni Borrelli* (known as Gianfranco), Daniel Myskiv, Chiara Ludovisi, Carlotta Libonati
Cellos Anna Armatys*, Daniele Santimaria, Mattia Geracitano, Vincenzo Lioy
Double bass Rocco Castellani
Project Manager Andrea Genovese
Videomaker Federico Falcioni
Recording and mixing Fabio Ferri, Digital Village srl
Musical consultant Biancamaria Rapaccini
The concert includes a programme for cello, accordion and string orchestra dedicated to Giuseppe Verdi, whose 120th anniversary will be celebrated in 2021, and to contemporary Italian authors inspired by the orchestral tradition. The programme features music by Giuseppe Verdi and Ezio Bosso. This is followed by music by Domenico Turi, a young composer dedicated to musical theatre, and by Fausto Sebastiani, winner of the Siae 2018 competition.

Musica Picta
Associazione Opificio Sonoro
Flauti Andrea Biagini
Oboe and Cor Anglais Anna Leonardi
Bass clarinet Raffaella Palumbo
Violin Chiara Franceschini
Guitar Francesco Palmieri
The composer at the centre of this programme is Salvatore Sciarrino. Through a figurative approach to sound, Sciarrino speaks many languages through many different eras. The link with the Baroque is reflected in the theatrical pages and in the transcriptions linked to composers such as Gesualdo, Stradella or Domenico Scarlatti.

Codice incanto (Codex of enchantment)
Icarus Ensemble
Icarus Ensemble / vs Muzak Ensemble
Flutes Giovanni Mareggini, Benedetta Polimeni
Oboe/Cor Anglais Orfeo Manfredi
Clarinets Alberto Delasa,
Bassoon Corrado Barbieri,
Violin Giacomo Invernizzi,
Viola Luciano Cavalli,
Cello Luca Colardo,
Harp Gilda Gianolio,
Guitar Giorgio Genta
Percussion Francesco Pedrazzini, Marco Lazzaretti, Matteo Rovatti
Piano Diego Petrella, Daniele Incerti
Mezzo-soprano Monica Bacelli
‘Codice incanto’ is a journey through tradition and modernity, to discover the roots of Italian musical heritage. The main theme of the project is the identification of music as a code of codes, to use the words of Luciano Berio, or rather as a polyphony of codes. The album identifies the relationship of Italian music today with madrigalism and classicism as fundamental themes, through the use of new digital technologies. The new composition ‘Per incantamento’ by Nicola Sani, for mezzo-soprano, ensemble and live electronics, based on a text by Dante Alighieri, is combined with the music of Ennio Morricone, Goffredo Petrassi, Luciano Berio, Salvatore Sciarrino and Sylvano Bussotti, conducted by Marco Angius and live electronics by Alvise Vidolin, on this exciting musical journey.

Nello specchio di Scarlatti. Il volto della musica italiana (In Scarlatti’s mirror. The face of Italian music)
Raffaele Pe & La Lira di Orfeo
Vocals Raffaele Pe
First violin Sara Meloni
Second violin Gemma Longoni
Viola Jamiang Santi
Cello Giorgio Casati
Baroque harp Chiara Granata
Nello specchio di Scarlatti is a project that allows you to enjoy some featured cantatas of the Italian production from the seventeenth/eighteenth century. Alessandro Scarlatti’s masterpieces are accompanied by a modern reinterpretation of a series of Domenico Scarlatti’s cantatas by Silvia Colasanti.

Nuovo Barocco Italiano (New Italian Baroque)
Orchestra Barocca Siciliana
Composer Orazio Sciortino
Composer Elvira Muratore
Transverse flute Marco Brolli
Violin, viola d’amore Valerio Losito
Singer and performer Raffaele Schiavo
Soloists of the Orchestra Barocca Siciliana (with original instruments)
Transverse flute Enrico Luca
Violins Valeria Mannoia, Marco Alderuccio
Viola Antonio Greco
Cello Ramashanty Cappello
Double bass Carlo Calegari
Harpsichord Luca Ambrosio
Nuovo Barocco Italiano aims to build an aesthetic, intellectual, physical and aural bridge between the Baroque and contemporary ages, highlighting the multiple points of contact in ‘music-making’ (composing, performing, enjoying) across different periods of time, from the eighteenth century to today.

Racconti in forma di quartetto (Tales in the form of a quartet)
Quartetto Felix
Piano Marina Pellegrino
Violin Vincenzo Meriani
Viola Francesco Venga
Cello Matteo Parisi
This programme aims to showcase the vision of four Italian composers from three different geographical areas (Sicily, Campania and Trentino Alto-Adige), who, by placing the evocative dimension of the ‘story in music’ at the centre of their compositions, make themselves bearers of that Italian spirit that has melody as its distinguishing feature.

Il filo azzurro (The blue thread)
Quartetto Noûs
Violin Tiziano Baviera
Violin Alberto Franchin
Viola Sara Dambruoso
Cello Tommaso Tesini
A blue thread runs through three centuries of history uniting three apparently distant musicians: a very young Mozart, so inspired by his trip to Italy that he wrote his first quartet all in one sitting in Lodi; Antonio Bazzini, who left Italy to study instrumental music and the Palermo composer Accursio Antonio Cortese, whose style blends traditions of varied origins.

Una sola moltitudine (A single multitude)
Syntax Ensemble
Soprano Valentina Coladonato
Flute Laura Faoro
Clarinet Marco Ignoti
Violin Francesco D’Orazio
Cello Michele Marco Rossi
Piano Anna D’Errico
Percussion Dario Savron
Electronics Maurilio Cacciatore
Conductor Pasquale Corrado
The project celebrates the Italian spirit starting from the concept of cultural mixing that defines and characterizes its identity. Six Italian composers, among the most significant of the twentieth century, linked to each other by that inseparable bond that unites teacher to student. The leitmotif is the cultural generativity of the Italian identity, which finds its roots in mixing and hybridization, which characterize the journey of knowledge.

Un fruscio lungo trent’anni (Thirty years of rustling)
Tetraktis Percussioni
Gianni Maestrucci
Laura Mancini
Leonardo Ramadori
Gianluca Saveri
Today, the use of sounds from nature (green pine branches, dry leaves, water) mixed with orthodox musical instruments, grouped according to the material they are made from (wood, leather, glass, metal) may surprise listeners. In these compositions the instruments are mainly swiped, not struck, and the rhythmic patterns belong to different musical styles – rock, reggae, jazz – without ever creating a language that can be entirely defined in a unique way.



Ahiu fami – Concerto Gastronomico (Ahiu fami – Gastronomic Concert)
Niafunken srl
Kitchen utensils, vocals Carmelo Chiaramonte
Vocals, frame drums, strumming guitar Alfio Antico
Double bass Amedeo Ronga
Baritone sax, clarinet, modular synths Piero Bittolo Bon
Fender Rhodes, analogue synth, effects Giorgio Pacorig
There are many points in common with music and with jazz in particular, but in this work, the music will not be a simple accompaniment. On the contrary, the noises and sounds of the kitchen will become part of the performance, and the leitmotif will be the preparation of the dish that lasts the entire show and its various phases in a journey that crosses the myths and legends of Southern Italy, of Magna Graecia, and then becomes contaminated with jazz, in its most traditional and also experimental forms.

Sulle onde di Marconi (On the waves of Marconi)
Art & Network Cultural Association
Narrating voice, historical research and author of the lyrics Andrea Penna
Soprano & tenor sax, vocal bass, electronics Gavino Murgia
Trumpet Giovanni Falzone
Double bass Aldo Vigorito
Drums Pietro Iodice
Console / Scratch Dj Gruff
The project aims to pay homage to Italian creativity, and to enhance the natural and artistic beauty of our country. Murgia was inspired by Guglielmo Marconi. The occasion is to remember the historic event of 11 August 1932, when the scientist from Bologna, Nobel prize winner in 1909, managed to create a radio wave link between Sardinia and Lazio, one of Marconi’s last major experiments.

Tre per una. Omaggio a Mina (Three for one. Tribute to Mina)
Atomic srl
Alfredo Golino
Massimo Moriconi
Danilo Rea
With special guest Massimo Pani
Mina is universally praised as a great artist. But why? Is it just her wonderful voice? A special evening where Massimiliano Pani, son and art director of Mina’s recording projects, shows us behind the scenes of her great masterpieces. An exclusive show, a show of words and music. Accompanied by three great musicians who have formed the musical core of Mina’s records for years: Rea, Massimo Moriconi and Alfredo Golino.

Lapsus a schema libero (Free-pattern lapsus)
Centro Spettacolo Network
Lyrics, vocals Marta Del Grandi, Sabrina Oggero Viale, Erika Sofia Sollo
Compositions, arrangements, lyrics, double bass Stefano Risso
GUEST: Vocals, theremin, ukulele, nose flute, electronics, objects Vincenzo Vasi
Lapsus a schema libero is a melting pot of musical inventions that draws inspiration from enigmatic and literary games, exploring combinatorics, palindrome, lipogram, sound and word. A dizzying attraction to word games gives way to a series of musical inventions inspired by riddles and puzzles, both in their most popular guise, that of the famous magazine ‘Settimana Enigmistica’, and in the form of play structures dear to literary currents such as OpLePo, of which Italo Calvino was an illustrious exponent.

Il racconto dell’Italia attraverso le note (A tale of Italy through music notes)
Edizioni musicali Abeat
Trio Kala:
Piano Rita Marcotulli
Doubles bass Ares Tavolazzi
Percussion Alfredo Golino
The leitmotif of the musical programme is a parable that embraces cinema, theatre and songwriting, suggesting and recalling colours, flavours, monuments, actors, directors and composers who have held high the flag of Italian culture. A tale of Italy through music notes aims to accompany the listener on an exciting, suggestive journey that intersects the three areas that have made Italy famous from a cultural point of view.

Planctus Aquileia
Fondazione Luigi Bon
Trumpet Giovanni Falzone
Clarinet, bass and saxophone Alfonso Deidda
Percussion Marco D’Orlando
Piano and compositions Glauco Venier
Compositions, arrangements and conducting Carlo Boccadoro
Ensemble Sentieri Selvaggi
Violin Daniele Richiedei
Violin Corinna Canzian
Viola Monica Vatrini
Cello Camilla Patria
The musical project ‘Planctus Aquileia’ by Glauco Venier and created by Fondazione Luigi Bon, is dedicated to the recovery and enhancement of the vast and important ancient musical culture of the Friuli region through re-working in a contemporary key of ancient codices, sequences and descants of the tradition of Aquileia and Cividale.

Gratia. Improvvisazioni e riletture contemporanee sulle Antifone Mariane (Gratia – Contemporary improvisations and reinterpretations of Marian Antiphons)
Freecom srl
Art Director and double bass Enzo Pietropaoli
Interplay Gabriele Mirabassi and Michele Rabbia
Gregorian Chant Sonus Vocum Ensemble
Programme developed with the musical direction of Enzo Pietropaoli, on stage with the double bass. Alongside him are two stars of the jazz and contemporary scene, Gabriele Mirabassi and Michele Rabbia, to give life to contemporary improvisations and reinterpretations on the Marian Antiphons in “counterpoint” or, to use the jazz language, in “interplay” with the performance of the Gregorian chant of the Sonus Vocum Ensemble.

Belcanto & Jazz
Giuliana Soscia 4tet meets Roberto Fabbriciani
Conductor, compositions, arrangements, piano Giuliana Soscia
Flute, bass flute, contrabass flute Roberto Fabbriciani
Alto sax Daniele Tittarelli
Double bass Dario Rosciglione
Drums Lorenzo Tucci
The Belcanto & Jazz – Giuliana Soscia 4tet meets Roberto Fabbriciani project revisits the Italian nineteenth-century tradition of transcribing the arias of the most famous operas for flute and piano. The composer’s idea is to evoke the themes of the most famous works in jazz writing, with a style that incorporates minimalist music and a style developed from collaboration with Indian musicians.

Schiano Graffiti
Johnny Lapio & Arcote Project
Project conception, composition, conducting, trumpet Johnny Lapio
Alto sax Francesco Partipilo
Piano Emanuele Francesconi
Drums Davide Bono
Bass Michela Anelli
The proposed concert is loosely inspired by the figure of the visionary improviser and contralto Mario Schiano, who played a unique role in the diffusion and evolution of experimental jazz in Italy. The leitmotif of the suite, composed by Johnny Lapio, is based on a reflection on the real unity of the country through a conceptual compositional action that uses musical writing, graphics, conducting and free improvisation (a characteristic feature of Schiano).

StraborDante. Viaggio musicale in nove tappe nell’Inferno di Dante (StraborDante. Musical journey in nine stages in Dante’s Inferno)
Vocals John De Leo
Arrangements and compositions, electric bass Alessandro Fedrigo / XYQuartet
Arrangements and compositions, alto sax Nicola Fazzini/ XYQuartet
Drums Luca Colussi / XYQuartet
Vibraphone Saverio Tasca / XYQuartet
Playwright and lyrics Vincenzo De Vivo
Multivision Francesco Lopergolo
Live electronics Franco Naddei
On the occasion of the 2021 celebrations for the 7th centenary of Dante Alighieri’s death, StraborDante was created: a musical journey between jazz, rock and noise, where the image of Dante’s Inferno comes to life in a multimedia show. In the nine stages of StraborDante the encounters, dialogues, suggestions, allegories and extraordinary inventions that populate the Divine Comedy’s most evocative canticle come to life.

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