‘Kharayeb project: reconnaissance and excavation in the territory north of Litani (Lebanon)’.
CNR, Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, 00185 Rome (RM), Italy
The project is based on the study of the agricultural hinterland of the region north of Tire (Lebanon) between the Bronze Age and the Hellenistic Age, through investigations in the area of the municipality of Kharayeb, north of the Litani river. The project, started in 2018 and led by Prof. Ida Oggiano, is divided into several parts:
- The mathaf, the place of worship and the quarries with the figurines, the votive statues preserved in the Beirut Museum
- Jemjim: Investigations of an agricultural settlement
- Reconnaissance of the coastal area at the mouth of the Litani
- Excavation of the Tell Qasmiyeh.