‘Ricostruzione digitale mediante laser scanner 3D del tempio solare di Niuserra ad Abu Gourab’ (Digital reconstruction by 3D laser scanner of the Sun Temple of Nyuserre in Abu Gourab).
‘L’Orientale’ University of Naples, Piazza San Domenico Maggiore 12, 80134 Naples (NA), Italy.
The project, begun in 2010 and currently directed by Prof. Rosanna Pirelli, continues to work in the Abou Ghurab area (Egypt). After surveying the entire monumental complex, the 2019 project aims to extend its research to the external areas through the survey of the surrounding structures (valley temple, ramps, substructures) and geophysical surveys to identify any buried structures. The project aims at a systematic study of the solar Temple of Niuserra (V dynasty: 2494-2345 BC) more than one hundred years after the first and only archaeological investigations led by Ludwig Borchardt.