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Italian project in Togolok (Turkmenistan)
Portal of the Italian language

Italian project in Togolok (Turkmenistan)

‘Togolok project’.

Project by ISMEO – Associazione Internazionale di Studi sul Mediterraneo e l’Oriente, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 244 Palazzo Baleani, 00186, Roma (RM), Italia.

The archaeological project, begun in 1990 and currently led by Ph.D. Barbara Cerasetti, studies the Bronze Age settlement of Togolok 1, one of the most important sites of prehistoric Margiana, located in the north-eastern part of the alluvial fan of the Murghāb River in southern Turkmenistan. The main objective is to understand the multifunctional and multicultural structure of the settlement, within its environmental context and the network of river channels of the ancient water system.

Further information:

Italian Embassy in Ashgabat

Word Press


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