Waiting for Italy as Guest Country at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2024, the Goethe-Institut dedicates a meeting to the cooperation in the publishing world between Italy and Germany.
‘Italia Germania a libro aperto’: publishing support programmes towards Frankfurt 2024
Over the next three years, literary intermediation activities between the two countries will be intensified through financial contributions, cultural events, prizes and workshops for translators.
The Goethe-Institut will present on 6th April its instruments to support translation from German into Italian, including this year’s debut of the three-year Litrix.de project, which provides funds both for translations and for the purchase of rights to selected titles.
On the Italian side, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Centre for Books and Reading (CEPELL) are presenting initiatives to support translation.
The meeting aims to inform publishers and translators about the possibilities and ways of accessing the various contributions.